Orkut communities

This revolutionary social network service was created in 2004 by the Google employee Orkut Büyükköten and it is designed to help users from all over the world to meet new friends and maintain existing relationships. The cool thing about Orkut is that it allows users to enter "communities" and apart from regular stupidities that can be found there, it also offers some great things. Each community has something similar to a discussion forum and for this reason some communities came really handy for English teachers and students. Check some out and participate discussions about vocabulary, culture curiosities, grammar, english schools and on and on. Help yourself.
- English language games
- ELT - English Language Teaching
- Natural language processing
- como dizer tudo em inglês
- phonetics and phonology
- grammar nazis
- tecla sap - dicas de inglês
- English as a second language
At last but not least, visit the pages of the schools where I work:
- Inglês & Cia idiomas
- Literarius Language center
There's only one detail: "it is invitation-only: users must be invited to join the community by someone already there". If you'd like to join orkut, feel free to leave your e-mail address in the heading "comments" below and I'll be glad to send you an invitation.
You can also read some more about Orkut history in Wikipedia and check a picture of its creator relaxing a bit...
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