English around the world

Page with hundreds of links for students to explore and teachers to get lesson ideas from. Nicely divided into pages from different English Speaking countries as Canada, U.K, Australia or The U.S, this site provides from the American National Anthem, weather information, recipes and articles on science to books online and travel information.
Just curious.. why Denmark in the list of English speaking countries?
Just because it's one of the countries in the link as well.
Even having Danish as sole language, Denmark's official page (http://denmark.dk) and also the one I linked are in English.
: )
Lilosa, I know there are variations in Engish spoken around the world. You think we should learn a specific accent, like British English? Or it´s better not having anyone?
I don't think people should go for a specific accent at all, Maurissone. I believe people should have the resources and imput to be able to understand different accents, which is a whole different story. That's why it's learn English through films, songs, etc. Knowing a bit of each English-speaking country culture also helps understand what is "behind" the language in that specific place.
But most of us, Brazilians, are lucky to have a very "neutral" accent when it comes to English, differently from English speakers from the middle-east, Japan, or those that have Spanish as first language, for example.
Be a good observer and a good listener and I bet your pronunciation will be just fine! : )
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