A good link of quizzes to practise English can be found here.
For teachers and students who wanna get a breath of fresh air from... English language.
If you're a student: great resources for "studying Listening" systematically.
If you're a teacher: great resources for preparing amazing classes, especially if your student is going abroad and needs guidance and practise in topics such as: immigration/customs, airport talk, restaurant conversations, etc.
Having "native-like" spoken English is not a must. But being able to differenciate specific sounds is, though. The other day, a student of mine said he'll never /shit/ on his girlfriend. Well... I really hope not!
However, the most amazing of all, in my humble opinion (I'm saying that as an English teacher and a former speech therapist) is this page, produced at the University of Iowa. I say amazing because it's instructive, clear and - overall - complete.
There are also pronunciation tips at this BBC page and a free phonetics course (for Portuguese speakers) here. It's really handy!
And if you feel like studying some more about pronunciation, there's pretty much everything in here, as well as all around the net. Just google around!
"The EFL surgery for busy English teachers! Kick back, relax, and allow our panel of expert authors and teachers to help solve your teaching-related dilemmas! Either send us your questions or search our existing database of useful reference materials to help solve your problems."
To have a taste of specialist's ideas of teaching with minimum resources, click here.
It's a reality we face. What can we do as teachers? Not letting their reading habit vanish! If students don't pay a visit to the book shops anymore, let's take the books to them!
This amazing site brings interviews with renown authors, as you can check here. Students can listen to poems online, and if they're just way too lazy, they can listen to whole literature books. Wanna listen to Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" online? Here you go! All you need is real audio for that.
Yep, it's true. Have fun!
I never meant to make a personal blog out of this. Actually, I promised myself I never would. But taking the circumstances under consideration, I just jave to say it's well-deserved.
I've been listening to Elton John more than ever lately and it was quite odd to find out that you, a guy who'd never liked him much, was doing the same. Call it a coincidence, I call it sintonia, which cannot be expressed in English in the same intensity by any word, as well as saudade. You know we have sintonia, and you know that what we had can never be taken away from us.
"It's a little bit funny this feeling inside. I'm not one of those who can easily hide. I don't have much money but boy if I did, I'd buy a big house where we both could live. If I was a sculptor, but then again, no, or a man who makes potions in a travelling show, I know it's not much but it's the best I can do. My gift is my song and this one's for you. And you can tell everybody this is your song. It may be quite simple but now that it's done. I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind that I put down in words... how wonderful life is while you're in the world" Elton John
Buy a trumpet. Keep on jazzin'. Open the windows and paint the walls yellow. Good day sunshine. Do it for no one. Here comes the sun and soon there'll be dear Prudence, Martha, Michelle, Anna, Carol, Clarabella, Julia... and I'll have to act naturally... you'll get a taste of a different honey. Because of another girl I will cry, baby, cry. In spite of all the danger I'll carry that weight and drive my car. I'll follow the sun and maybe get some rain on the way. Free as a bird! I miss the old days when we'd say "Why don't we do it in the road?". It hurts to think back of the "We can work it out" moments. We should have fixed the hole earlier. We should have made a revolution because we knew it was real love. And now here we are, the two of us. Trying to let it be. Getting better, finding our ways along the long and winding road of life with a little help from our friends. I can no longer say "Don't let me down". In fact, I think you never did. Feel not guilty. All you need is love and I'm just too aquarian to provide you that. I've got a ticket to ride, you won't see me no more. The end. Tell me why? Don't know, I've just gotta find my inner light... like dreamers do.
P.S: I love you
Maria Elisa