Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Make for learning!

Phrasal verbs (also known as "multi word-verbs" or "verb phrases") seem to be a problem for many students as well as teachers. If you're sick of using the same phrasal verbs books over and over of if you're a teacher looking for resources to prepare classes on this topic, here is the place. Explanation of what a phrasal verb is and much more here.
Now Phrasal verb page presents them alphabetically ordered. Neat!
If you need even more examples you'll find them in Portuguese-English page.
Also, British Council offers free grammar games. There are some on phrasal verbs, check them out here.
... and the greatest of all: Cambridge Phrasal Verbs Dictionary online, and totally free!


Have you ever heard of a "pub quiz" (which is not a"pop quiz") ? Also called "trivia quizzes", they're a craze all over Europe and the USA. Basically general knowledge quizzes, a selection of questions about arts, history, mathematics, geography, films, music, science, etc.
Is that great to practise your English or what?!?
Check some samples right now (just enter your e-mail address and it will lead you to a free quiz page)!
If you're willing to get addicted, check this out:!